Alright! So due to some technical difficulties, I've been away for awhile and hopefully you have been keeping up with me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter! BUT, I'm back with my favorite holiday, Valentines Day! I was lucky enough to work with Polaris Fashion Place to pull together some great looks for the heart filled day whether it be for a date night with your favorite person, a Galentines night out or ... Read More
5 fall trends you MUST have…..
HEY THERE! So glad you are here....I've been MIA and I'm sorry! But guess what.....I'm back!! I had to come back, right? Because it's fall and fall is the best season of the year. Why? Boots, scarves, cool and sunny weather, football, pumpkins, cider....and of course, awesome fashion! I was recently asked to go through one of our best local malls here in Columbus, Polaris Fashion Place, to show what I find and let me tell ... Read More
Taking Better Care: Cleansing, Skincare, & Exercise! Part 1.
Hi all! On the eve of my 34th birthday, I decided to share my resolution for this year. Notice I didn't say New Year's resolution, right? I like to let all the hype around New Year's resolution die off in January and start resetting myself for the year in my birthday month. By now, the gym traffic has slowed to normal and the salad lines are smaller at work. So my resolution is to take better care of myself. Aging ... Read More
One of the reasons I love Columbus…Made Local Marketplace!
Hi all, I'm so excited to share some of the items I bought at the Made Local Marketplace! The Made Local Market Place is a show that happens once every three months and features all sorts of local vendors from Ohio. I've definitely had some great finds and met some wonderful entrepreneurs. They have everything from art, jewelry, baby and mommy stuff, food, t-shirts, and awesome coasters!! The holiday show on December ... Read More
The BEST Black Friday Deals!
There is no doubt that holiday season is upon us. You've got pumpkin spiced lattes in red cups, turkey memes, christmas lights, college football and where I am...chilling weather. What is your favorite holiday? Well mine is just a few days away...Black Friday! I am one of those crazy people trying to get the door busters and shopping my face off until I can no longer walk. Retailers are continuously trying to beat each ... Read More