Hi! Welcome!!! I'm so glad you are HERE! You are probably looking for tips on how to get out of a wardrobe rut, right? Stayed tuned, I've got some simple tips that are easy to do BELOW..... We've all been there, right? Work is getting crazy, you have to get your kids here or there, errands, life....it doesn't stop for you to catch up, does it? Who has time to pick out or think through ... Read More
Jewels…that’s all! Rocksbox Giveaway!
Ok, so the holidays are over....wamp wamp :( Do you have any new years resolutions that you are still working on? For me, I've decided it's time to treat myself better...including health, wellness, beauty, and just overall! With that being said, I also want to treat YOU! If you want to try Rocksbox for FREE, sign up with the code kendrasinghxoxo to get a free month of it! I LOVE Rocksbox. It's similar to Stitch ... Read More
Stitch Fix …..what a way to my heart!
Ok, so this was my favorite Stitch Fix so far! I had to say that upfront. Now let me back up....have you heard about Stitch Fix? Signing up for it was one of the best things that I have done. I've definitely had a few that weren't my favorite, but most of them have been fantastic. And again, this was the best one! First, did you see that top one? My stylist sent me this amazing color block jacket. When I opened it ... Read More
October Stitch Fix …Nailed.it
Hi all, This fix actually came in September, but believe me it's worth the wait! I have been so excited to see all of the posts on Instagram from Stitch Fix because it's overflowing with Fall! I love fall! Who doesn't?!?! Boots, pumpkins, scarves, football, leaves changing....so much! Anyways, on to the fix! All of the links are clickable and take you to the Stitch Fix site where you can sign up! It's fantastic and ... Read More
August 2015 Stitch Fix Review…a prize after vacation!
Hi all, It's been a bit since I have posted, but I just came back after a week in Maine celebrating one of my best friend's wedding (I'll post pictures later #loveandlobster ). When I came back, I was so happy to see the wonderful Stitch Fix box. I swear...this box that comes every month is such a thrill for me. Especially when I see the beautifully wrapped stack of clothing and the first peak at all of the patterns ... Read More