Hi all,
The last two months have been a whirlwind of activity, including moving from Milwaukee to Columbus and starting a completely new job. It has been an adjustment to say the least. One of the great things that moving always pushes me towards is cleaning out my closet. I got rid of 7+ full trash bags full of clothing, shoes, bags, scarves, coats and more.
What else does that lead too? Making room for better things. It’s also a sign in life, right?… Getting rid of old things to make room for new and better things đŸ˜‰
I’ve recently become obsessed with this blogger Corinne aka Mintarrow. She is a blessing and a curse for me. I literally buy everything she suggests… From new Frye boots to PMD (personal microdermabrasion). She finds the best deals on everything.
I’m going to get some of my new outfits together for you all, but in honor of mint arrow, I’m pointing you in the direction of big deals!! Nordstrom is currently having a 40% clearance sale! I die. I’ll show you some of my favorites! Enjoy!
Michele Rose Gold/Black jelly watch
All the best!

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